Thursday, February 15, 2007

Unit vs. daily lesson?

O.K. we all heard what we heard:
"It's not a unit lesson, it's not a lesson; it's a translation of the UBD model on top of the stuff you already knew, but please don't hand it in like that (sorry Mike) because I don't want to divine your intent from a lengthy submittal"

Okay that's clear enough...

Rob had a good thought: translate last semesters UBD model across a three tiered column that incorporates the Knowledge/Strategy/Emotions we just went through.

Any thoughts beyond that?


ciro said...

This is great Tom, Thanks again for your hard work although you make it look easy.
Everyone enjoy the week off.

Suzanne said...

Here is the assignment, from Blackboard:

Universal Design for Learning project


Candidates will develop example uses of technology which demonstrate principles of universal design for learning. In this assignment candidates will provide evidence of their knowledge and skills for uses of technology for all students. In order to complete this project, you should carefully review Chapter 5 and 6 in the book 'Teaching Every Student in a Digital Age' and the Tools and Activities and on the CAST website. The Information and Ideas section has a number of ourriculum connections to review as models. Links to both sections are provided in this Class Session.

Suzanne said...

Link to the rubric - contains a spelling error :)

Anonymous said...

Good words.