Thursday, February 15, 2007

Let's help each other

Maybe this is what the whole NYIT 'cohart' style model is all about. I will create a Blog not to create a 'Rage Against the Machine' mentality, but rather to create a place for us all to interact beyond the eyes of our instructor(s). If we all use our standard email addresses and blogger IDs, we will be easily discovered (witness the blog we are all invited into by Sarah and the one I created; click on a profile and you gain access to any Blog you are associated with on Blogspot). We'll have to create new digital identities in order to assure a reasonable sense of isolation from our other Blogger lives. There are plenty of places to create a new identity on the internet; all you need for a blogger ID is a valid email address (hotmail, yahoo, etc.). So I recommend in order to participate in this new 'offline' Blog you create a new email ID or just post anonymously and remember to include your name.


Suzanne said...

I have been working on this project (please try not to gasp in surprise) and I did my work in Taskstream. It is a rough draft - feel free to look, comment etc...

Anonymous said...

Your project looks great. I am having difficuly with mine and yours is very helpful. Thanks Suzanne!